Email That Matters

March 19, 2013
Email That Matters

Scottsboro Boys email

If you’re like us, the only thing you dread about going on vacation is the pile of emails you find waiting on you back home. That’s why we at McWhorter Communications take delivering content to your inbox very seriously. We hope that is evident with the latest Featured Project: The Scottsboro Boys email that we just sent out. Email is still a very valuable channel to reach your customers. It is immediate, affordable and, given the right design, content, list and delivery mechanism, an effective tool in your marketing mix. An email is also one more avenue to build on how your customers and prospects perceive your brand. Ignore the importance of even one of the above-mentioned points and your brand and message is instantly lost in a sea of spam.

If you would like to be added to our email list drop us a note at

If you would like to see the Scottsboro Boys Traveling Exhibit, check out our Feb. 19 entry for more information.